Just wanted to let you all know that i am still working hard on fixing the blog, all bugs should now be “GONE”, i have wiped many plugins and swapped them with other ones, even homemade ones too.   The thing that hit me last night was that this travesty of a “move to a new interface” blah blah yadda thing blog just made it clearer than ever that i am getting old and old people to do stupid things… that said, old is good.  sort of..  yup good.

From tomorrow on the blog will get new posts again here and while i am filling in new material i will also fix the endless of nearly 400 posts massacre with the pictures they used to hold… that is.. if i have backups of everything which i don’t btw..so yes, expect new stuff.  (hooray!) 🙂

PS: Skylanders got the “new” treatment today, so it’s not all bad by losing data, i did a youtube vid along with better screenies etc.  have a look ” use search button for Skylanders”  (yes it works..)




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