
hello, all my readers,

I decided to re-open the gallery a few days ago and i have slowly put it together since then but my collection is huge so it will take time for all the pictures to be online.

The design is now “ready” i guess, it is a bit quick and dirty right now but it will get better over time for sure.


This is how it looks, for now, i decided to go for quite big thumbnails, for now, i might change that over time.  I have tried various amounts of thumbnails in each category, but for now, i have decided to go with 12 per page.


Fairly straightforward yet effective gallery design, click on the picture to get a better size, pictures should hold a pretty decent resolution too.

This gallery is supposed to cover every format that i have in the future but for now only Playstation Portable, UMD and N64 are covered.  PS1 and PS2 up within the next few days and then finally the Amiga and PS3 galleries after that due to the insane size of them.


I also got grouped pictures with more than 1 game inside, these pictures are to be used in the new (upcoming) website but i decided to put em here too.

Let me know what you guys think of the style of the box shots etc.

The gallery is accessible from the menu under “Game Gallery“.

thanks for your time.

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