blog (1)Hey guys, my blog was running quite ok for the first hour or so last night. After that, all started to go a bit crazy and it all ended with a bug destroying data (and my patience).

The side effects of these problems are that i had to revert to a backup from 22:00 CET last night so all comments and posts after that had to go.  The worst thing here is that i have flooded websites and all over facebook and google etc with posts and the announcement thing that is now gone.  oh well, startup problems… shit happens.

The Facebook plugin(s) are giving huge problems too but i will try to solve that now that the worst bug(s) is gone, sorry for the inconvenience and i hope you guys will continue to like and visit the page.


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16 thoughts on “New Blog, second try 2

  1. I had been playing a game called Neverwinter and still do for a few years now. I had a player “friend” me from Norway who taught me a thousand or more things and how to progress in the game. He was (and is) I consider a great friend. He left the game a few years back, and only logged on once to tell me the game or servers had fried his computer/video-card, and he was leaving the game to play another one, but never told me the name of the game, or sent me a friend request on Facebook so we could continue to game together. I am sending this out in hopes he might return to Neverwinter as I made 3 guilds in his honor and had posted he was one for the original founders. We had discussed making a private guild to help other gamers (like he did for me) and lots of people ask me where NukaCola@Nukacola went. All I remember is he was a really nice guy, in his mid 20’s then, and he lived somewhere in Norway. I am sending this message out in hopes he or someone in Norway will see this and have him contact me again, (in-game) or on our Guild Facebook page. Our website/Facebook page is: &

    1. Not sure where in Norway he lives, all I know is he played Neverwinter MMO and used the name NukaCola@NukeCola in the game. He was going to help me to spread the word around about my free children’s coloring book that I made for kids in hospitals here in the USA and other parts of the world. I have found a few in Norway, and mailed them the disk to print books for patients there. I hope you can find out who he is, or what game he is playing now. Thx for helping me ToAks. My other site is: (&)

  2. Rgjs42: good to see you got my email, i have asked around but not heard much back yet. will ask more for sure.

    that book there look quite familiar, will have to check next time i go to the doc 😀

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