Retro Is “IN” again..and again – Hamster Retro Games

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It had to happen alright but i never expected it to happen this quick, what am I on about now? , you say, well there’s been very little games released in Asia for the PS4 so far so Sony decided to contact “HAMSTER” to get more games released and while the gamers out there want new games i kind of doubt they want very old new games this early in the PS4 generation/cycle.

Hamster has been releasing retro games for years now and sometimes they have bought the rights to the games and updated em and so on but sadly a lot of them was rubbish so instead they focused on what they were best at and that was porting old games onto new hardware… as in.. basically porting known emulators /sandbox systems like M.A.M.E etc and this is what they have done now for the PS4… expensive old games , very old games actually and yet i am very interested in them….

Retro is a very evil thing really as it never quits being fun or at least it never quits being fun for seasoned gamers like myself as they bring me back to my early gamer years and it brings me back to good memories like huge arcade halls and endless of classic game releases….an age all old gamers miss… an age that was killed way before it should have been.

So what have HAMSTER released on the PS4 so far? well, it’s been basically a few games per month now and they have been releasing them since April 2014…

Ok yes i know, those pictures is quite boring but that’s why i have made a video of all games while playing em for the first time, check the games out in the video below.. (Wonderboy, Crazy Climber, Rygar, Renegade, Exciting Hour, Bomb Jack and one more which names escape me right now (JAP only title…)….


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