The Return Of The Wakka Wakka – PAC-MAN And The Ghostly Adventures

blog (6)

He’s Back and just in time for my first proper video recordings so i decided to use PAC-MAN’s new 3D romp as a test case for my video editing skills which btw is quite rusty now.
This new game is a return to the PS1, PSP and PS2 PAC-MAN games, a comeback that i have been waiting for and honestly, i had given up the hope to see on the PS3, just like Spyro, CrashBandicoot, Frogger and so on. The game is quite varied really and has a lot of character/power-ups that changes PAC-MAN into a new character which adds a few nice touches to the game and while it is nothing mind-boggling it is still fun and keeps the game fresh.
I have created a video showing some of the game modes and levels and i have tried to not spoil the game for you guys. I still have not figured out how to add the microphone to the recordings (while playing) but i will figure it out soon..i hope… see video below.

Ok so that’s all, i will do better articles with videos and screenshots eventually but there are so many things i have to do a set up before i can go crazy.

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