
When thinking about February most people think about Valentine’s Day. Here at Amigaguru we do not care of that; we only remember one thing: the release date of the original Prince Of Persia.

Published in February 1991 by Domark, the incredible work of Brøderbund opened an entire new era of gaming, raising the standards of platform adventures by a great deal. As by the news of the time: “Brøderbund have come up trumps again. The guys who brought you Shufflepuck Café, who took the unoriginal medium of a horizontal plane shoot em up and produced the brilliant Wings Of Fury, have now brought out the best sword and sorcery dungeon maze game with animation to rival Don Bluth and buckets of gameplay to boot. Sinbad? Naff off!” (Zero, 91%).

Thirty years have passed since that moment, and Prince Of Persia looks and feels fresh like that day. Now, despite not caring for Valentine, I better go and buy a present for my wife. I surely don’t wanna end up in a dark dungeon. 😉

Text and inspiration taken from Martin Grundy calendars; pictures courtesy of LemonAmiga.

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4 thoughts on “A Look At Prince Of Persia

  1. You’re referring to the Amiga release of the game, I believe. The original release (for the Apple II) was October 3, 1989. By the time the game was finished on the original platform and released, the Apple II (pre IIgs anyway) series was fading fast as a desirable game platform, sadly. It saw much greater success on soon-to-follow ports. It made it to over 30 platforms, I’m the end (or…so far).

    1. Not been a fan of prince of persia I never went near it, but I really enjoyed the PS3 version of POP with eleka in it, maybe because it was the least POP type game. Still I finished that and the dlc. Both everything else was just a no for me .
      Nice article anyways. I’m working on a few articles for amiga side but waiting for my new tom chips to arrive so I can get mine booted first. Going over some nice demos and stuff. But no idea when these chips will arrive 😉

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