RAIDEN IV – Dodge And Shoot And Dodge Again
The Raiden series dates back to the late ’80s. Although it emerged after classics like Flying Shark and 1942, it quickly set itself apart by doing everything so well that players clamored for more. Over time, the series gained cult status, and today, most Bullet Hell fans or retro enthusiasts are familiar with the iconic bosses from the first game—and they probably even remember the soundtrack…
(oh and in regards to the music in Raiden, did they borrow the Flying Shark high score theme, or is that just me?).
Raiden IV: Overkill was just released last week on the PlayStation Network (PSN/SEN) for the steep price of $19.99 USD. I’ll admit, I think that’s a bit much for a game like this, but I went ahead and bought it anyway. And that’s probably why it’s priced the way it is—fans of the series will likely snap it up, no matter the cost.
Raiden III was released for the PS3 a few years ago, but it was only available in Asia due to Microsoft’s deep pockets. Both Raiden III and IV are quite similar, offering solid quality with plenty of extra modes to ensure high replay value.
Raiden IV is a Bullet Hell fan’s dream come true! However, for me, it ended up highlighting just how much slower my reflexes have gotten over the years. I’m definitely getting older, and it’s showing (but no grey hair yet!!).
I completed the game and did enjoy it, but I have to admit, I’m not great at it. I died so many times that it got pretty frustrating by the end. The game did start to feel a bit stale as I struggled through the later levels. It made me wonder how it’s even possible to complete the game on a single credit, let alone in HARD mode… (I finished it on Normal with 33 lives).
Enjoy the short video! I had added voiceovers and sound, but I ended up removing them because it just didn’t sound right—lots of panting and mumbling.
EDIT: Fixed the post.
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