Final Fantasy VII Remake – Status Updated

A few days ago SONY held its “State of Play” conference, a dedicated event that often gave us nice insights of things to come. I didn’t get the opportunity to follow the entire Live Broadcast session, but I pick this video for you guys, since it surely refers to one of the most awaited titles.
This blog already covered the remake of one of most iconic JRPGs of all times, but it is now more than 3 years that we haven’t heard about it. Finally, last week, SONY decided to give us our hopes back. So here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the latest video depicting live gameplay of Final Fantasy VII Remake.
As you can see from the footage, the look and feel of the characters is consistent with the “hi-res official look” that became famous with the movie picture Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, while the gameplay closely resembles (at least from what we know so far) the mechanics of FFXV.
Seat back and enjoy: more is to be unveiled next June!
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hyped but not exactly happy about it being episodic…
I know, m8. That is surely annoying. Things like these often end up in the back burner…
Better wait for the GOTY edition with all the episodes in one disk?