Gotta Love Local Radio right ? – Grand Theft Auto V Promotional Kit


I’m not what you call a lucky person, well apart from my great friends that are.
But every now and then and a chance tune in to a local radio station yields a reward.
A nice little compo for Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS3, so me being me i just entered.
10 mins later I hear my name on the radio and 2 mins after then I get the phone call and a request to come and pick up my stuff.
I had to wait ALL night but the following day i went and got it.

Well, What can i say I was happy already coz It was real and i hadn’t just been having an intense dream.
I decided to just stick my hand in and pull things out one by one. I grabbed the game first, just the vanilla version but hey it didn’t cost me 44.99 so its sweet right 🙂

Next, I got out the T-shirt coz i new there was bound to be one:-

then i grabbed the posters:-

then it was random what came out:-
A mini projection torch as it displays a gta5 logo when the button is pushed.
Very nice cap and it fits my monster noggin 🙂

A nice 100 dollar car air freshener,
some nice metallic fruit stickers
A pack of character stickers ooooh
And finally a Brands sticker pack.

Not a bad haul for a 25p phone call. I want to keep it all but i think i can hear the call of eBay in the background lol as i know it will all just get wrecked if left in my house 🙁 sad but true. 2 x 3-year-old girls spell the destruction of anything nice 🙁

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