Do you remember the last time you played a medieval horror slashing fps? , no neither do i and the only one i can even think of is Hexen…a game that i hated from day 1 and never really cared about what so ever.

Hellraid is the latest game from the guys behind Dead Island and yet again this was supposed have been a MOD for Dead Island but instead, they decided to expand it and create it into a separate title (just like they did with Dead Island Riptide).


Techland has been on my radar for years and one of the reasons is of course that these guys are old Amiga demo-sceners and game developers, a place where i used to hang a lot back in the day and while many seem to think of these guys as a B-Team i certainly do not think the same but yes their games can be crude, buggy or having problems or features not present in other companies games.

So TECHLAND have gone out and made yet another Dead Island game? , well this one is for the PS3 and there is another one called Dying Light on the PS4 both due this year (2014), i will get both for sure as CO-OP in their games just rule!.

This is the teaser from E3 last year, my god did it tease me more than it should have… AAAAAAh.

Looks amazing eh? well, let’s just say that i am very anxious to get hold of the game right away and it is quite annoying that there ain’t a new release date yet… HURRY!…

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