LEGO:The Kings Of Meth – LEGO: Breaking Bad

Every now and then new original stuff hits us, Breaking Bad was a breath of fresh air back 3-4 years ago and i actually find it quite refreshing today, it’s a TV series that would have been impossible to make half a decade ago as it’s so provoking and crazy and yet so insanely funny.
Why hasn’t there been a Breaking Bad Videogame? , its like the perfect idea but i guess that is one of the problems with games, games are for kids and kids ain’t allowed to see a naked butt, a bathtub of acid or a refrigerator on a guys head…. i know, i does sound like GTA .. anyway, some BB fans made a “fake” Breaking Bad lego game video, sadly this ain’t real but its absolutely a must watch for all fans of the series.
I won’t do many of these types of articles but i just felt i had to do one about this as… i found it absolutely amazing, so sit down and enjoy a video of a game that never will be made even though it would sell millions for sure and those sales would just be because of the news and medias writing so much about how wrong and evil the game and series is and how it all will affect today’s children and what not..
Oh, and the rest of the sales would be to the hardcore fans of the series and while i don’t know how many that is but it’s certainly more than most other tv shows that have turned into a game…bar friends i guess…