blog (6)

Re-Edited November 4, 18.20

Here it is, bigger than ever! Over 200.000 attendances (absolute all-time record) during the 4 days of the fair, for a small medieval town that counts roughly 70.00 inhabitants.

This morning I uploaded the official videos of the convention, taken from the official site. I’m now adding the last two days (the fair took place over the weekend starting from last Thursday) for your consideration.
This videos are the highlights of the entire fair, but been there was really AWESOME.
While I wish you all could have come, I will post a few pictures taken from myself and Nube, which came to visit. Besides all what you’ll see, the fair holds much more, such as 3D workshops with former Amiga’s graphic artist Giacinto Platania (graphic author of Fightin’ Spirits) and indie games. I hope my pictures will be able to show some of that “hidden” content.
Nube and I think that the convention should host Amiga stuff as well, and we hope to see a dedicated stand once the 4.2 version comes out. Next time we’ll try to bring over ACube itself. Nube is a very close friend of the guys at ACube, so let’s keep your fingers crossed!






Edit November 4, 21.55
I hope you enjoyed the videos above and here I am, posting a few pictures, just to start (more pic ahead in the following days …..).

First of all, this year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doc Who which, of course, was in Lucca too!
We also had a HUGE stand dedicated to gaming, but for the moment I will highlight the PS4 part…
… and the indie section …..
Of course, I could not miss the Umbrella site…

… nor a few Silent Hill cosplayers…
But for the time being, here are my favorite characters…
Edited November 5, 22.10:
So here we are again … a few more pictures. This is going to be my last add-on to this article. I have about 200 more pictures, but I guess you had enough, and they would be kind of repetitive, so …..

… so here are my favorite robots from Go Nagai’s collection…
… then we have plastic models…
…. then we have computer modeling…
…. video games previews…
…. cosplayers…
…. and insane characters …..
And here we are, the reporters from Hell: Davide (Nube) on the left and myself (Gianluca aka g0blin) on the right while exploring some super boosted gaming machines. Almost like being beyond the mirror

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