Risk PS4 Online Battle – First Play – 2015 EU


RISK_20141221214011Risk is one of the best Board Games out there, well that is my opinion anyway so naturally, i had to get the latest digital incarnation of the game.
Risk on the PS3 was a blast when it came out, polished and well made with various modes etc, so the expectations for this new version was very high.
I can safely say that this new version is far from the quality and polish of the former version, this new version aims for a bit more of a “futuristic” approach.
Seriously, by going futuristic the risk was high and in my opinion an unsuccessful one. It feels sterile and quite generic and while this is a game that doesn’t need fancy graphics or animations i still think some of it would have helped us right now it feels like a simplified version of something that already was simplified.

The online modus consists of leagues and to complete a league you need to get enough points, there’s 6 of them and each one will take lots of time and wins to complete.
Online mode is 4 player and you can play against A.I here, if you play 2 players online then the other 2 will be A.I although you can skip their moves in the game without it affecting the actual gameplay.

The game was released a few weeks ago although it was removed within a 1 hour after release for unknown reasons, there has been no information regarding this what so ever and on the Official PlayStation blog you get the usual answer ” it is up to the publisher to release and remove stuff”…

RISK_20141221215314A quick look at the online leaderboards it looks like a whopping 71 players have bought the game so far, so basically, this means 71 people managed to download it before Ubi(?) removed it from the PlayStation Store.
Games being removed from the store is not uncommon on the PS4, Evil Within was released a few hours after release too, yet again for unknown reasons. Styxx was removed 2 weeks ago for unknown reasons too and this game has been on the store for months and in various sales too.

Grab RiSK if you see it on the store as it might disappear again…. that is if it ever pops up again…

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