
Many, many moons ago I was asking myself which game console to buy. I ended up getting a PSX, mainly for Tomb Raider 2 (it was December 1997) and, secondly, for Final Fantasy VII.

If you played this latter game, you are still grieving for Aeris death, desperately seeking a way to relive her.

Today, I’m here to give you a piece of advice:
1) GET OVER IT, SHE IS dead!
2) She is coming back on a PS4 near you!

Check up this video and see by yourself.

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11 thoughts on “Is This For Real? – FFVII

  1. @tony
    Looks like it’s working nicely.
    I’m excited too. Yet it seems that this generation of consoles keeps focusing on recycling and remaking, rather than developing new IPs. Let’s wait and see how it goes.

  2. g0blin commented on AmigaGuru’s GamerBlog:

    Looks like it’s working nicely.
    I’m excited too. Yet it seems that this generation of consoles keeps focusing on recycling and remaking, rather than developing new IPs. Let’s wait and see how it goes.

    1. I’ll get it too, expecially if it comes with a collector’s edition.
      Trouble is .. I don’t know if I will ever play it. Too many games, so little time.

      PS: I completed it twice in the PSX era … 🙂

  3. g0blin commented on AmigaGuru’s GamerBlog:

    I’ll get it too, expecially if it comes with a collector’s edition.
    Trouble is .. I don’t know if I will ever play it. Too many games, so little time.

    PS: I completed it twice in the PSX era … 🙂

  4. argh!, FB commenting link stuff only works for a few minutes at a time :-(.

    ohwell, screw FB! 🙂

    i am excited too, lets hope the game turns out awesome!.

  5. ToAks commented on AmigaGuru’s GamerBlog:

    argh!, FB commenting link stuff only works for a few minutes at a time :-(.

    ohwell, screw FB! 🙂

    i am excited too, lets hope the game turns out awesome!.

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