It’s A Miracle! – M.A.C.E. Unboxing


So it’s another article about the Amiga game M.A.C.E. but this time around it is to show you the box and talk about it a bit so don’t run away just yet.

Boxed games for the Amiga is a very rare thing these days so it is a miracle actually and while the game is also available as a download a boxed version is for the guys with a dreadful Internet connection or to people who will collect a game box which will soon be considered very rare.

I have finally figured out the meaning of the name now that I have the game (on CD with a Manual) and it stands for .. wait for it… Military Alliance of Common Earth, yup I have no idea where that name came from but I am kinda glad that name didn’t fit the actual front of the box.

The manual and disc print is of solid quality and that goes for front and back too, very colorful too and feels very “in” with other format’s box designs, a big plus and a box that will not look ugly on the shelf next to other “late” Amiga boxed games like AmiJeweled,CrossfireII and so on.

The back shot, I have not made it to that red level yet as I have (sorry) been too occupied with Defiance and Dead Island Riptide on the PS3 but I am sure I will get to see the level soon enough.

Stiff cardboard box paper quality, very nice and elegant too.

I never expected this quality of the manual really, it’s been so long since the last time I saw a Manual printed in Color for the Amiga.

Really nice guys and you should get the game as soon as possible, you won’t regret it as soon it will be worth a lot of money…that is… unless they decided to reprint it but I kinda doubt that due to the size of the Amiga gamer crowd these days.

Ok so that was it, I might do an unboxing video (with speech) on Youtube soon…

I have added a few screenshots from the other post here now too ( 08.12.2017)

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