Who would have thought it? , the guys (Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer) behind the huge classic Monkey Island game series would reunite and create a new (adventure) game!.

The cave is nothing like Monkey Island except for the humor and odd solutions to odd puzzles in an odd location with odd people, yup Oddness!.

The Cave

The game poses some really interesting design and graphics, it’s a simple 2D puzzle adventure game quite similar to the old DIZZY games on the C64, Speccy and Amiga although the solutions to the puzzles might not be what you’re expecting.

The Cave

The Cave is a simple 2D platform scroller with no action but lots of hilarious puzzles and a narrator that has the most awesome voice ever, he masters the dark humor he tries to achieve and it’s a perfect match for the game and it’s “dark” style.

The game screamed “LittleBigPlanet level pack!” to me at first as the jumping, the feel, the graphics direction and so on felt very “Sackboy ish” but over time I learned that this ain’t a game created by the LBP level creator.

The Cave

The game offers an incredible amount of replay value as it has 7 seven characters and you can only bring 3 of them in one game so that means at least 3 times that you have to complete the game and if you go for trophies then it looks like you might have to at least complete it 5 times.

Best of all is that there are exclusive levels to the characters so you will see new levels if you play the game from the start with new characters again.

The Cave

The game has a set of “common” levels which all characters have to play but that doesn’t mean that the exclusive ones are smaller or cut downs or whatever as they’re not!.

The Cave

Sadly The Cave ain’t a Point And Click adventure game but I am ok with that as the game is designed to be more of a platformer game.

This is what everyone did before we got wheels, was pretty fun in the game but I guess it wouldn’t be this fun if I had to commute 65km every day like this.

Will I replay the game to see all endings/levels, not now! but I might do that one day but as I have a stack of games I need to play…

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