
WRC-4-StageBack in December 2012 i raved about how WRC3 revolutionized the series for the first time in nearly a decade and how much i loved the game on both the PS3 and the cut down Vita version(s), well, WRC 4 came out this week so naturally i had to get it on day 1 even though i promised myself to not buy any other games as i have to platinum DEFIANCE first!.
Ok, so this article is just a heads up of what to come later on as i am playing the game but i will have to try and ignore it for a few more weeks/months… Defiance!.
For now i can just give you a heads up that this game is impressive!, it’s faster, smoother and better compared to the amazing WRC3 and while i have yet to see the VITA version as for some reason it wasn’t released this week (AAAAAAAAAAARGH!) but i bet it’s just as good.

Here is a small video of me playing a quick season run, the game run at 60 fps, no tear or drops and while youtube destroy some of the looks i can safely say that it looks damned good!.

A new article will arrive when i have tried the VITA and PS3 version(s), or rather completed them. stay tuned.

Did you miss the WRC 3 Articles? , here are the links: (VITA) and (PS3).

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