Updating The Gallery

Its been a while now since there was a status update on the blog, the gallery is constantly being updated and reworked, the PlayStation 3 gallery is finally nearing completion, the PlayStation Portable and Vita ones should be complete by now too.
The PlayStation 3 gallery is still missing a few titles that will be uploaded shortly, the current number sits at over 2000 pictures… The gallery update is linked below, if you want to see all of it then use this direct link…
The PlayStation Vita Gallery update below or use the direct link here…
My Vita collection mostly consists of digital downloads sadly so this is why the gallery looks so empty, there are no plans what so ever to get more boxed games either really as the focus lies elsewhere.
And finally here are the final bit of PSP games, click this link if you want to see the full collection as always, oh and one more thing, the UMD movies list can be found here…
As soon as the last few PlayStation (all) titles have been added is when all the Amiga box pictures will be uploaded, the gallery bit has been nothing short of a stress factor to me and it will most likely continue to be that for the next few years too…
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