Return To OldSchool Shooters – Habroxia
It's no secret that I love shoot 'em ups and especially Oldschool ones, Habroxia was released a few weeks ago...
It's no secret that I love shoot 'em ups and especially Oldschool ones, Habroxia was released a few weeks ago...
This is the first time that I have heard of Vasara and most likely yours too and now thanks to...
FullBlast is one of those games that have been on my wanted list for a while, you know what? I...
Its been a while now since there was a status update on the blog, the gallery is constantly being updated...
It’s no secret that I enjoy many games that are considered "crap" (rated average or below by critics), and sometimes...
Let's Fish:Hooked On is a typical Japanese game, the name itself is proof of that and all the way down...
I finally platinumed Need For Speed: Most Wanted PS3, to me it's the best drive-em-up since GT5 so i want...
It had to happen, didn't it? , here i was enjoying 2 fantastic games (Assassins Creed III: Liberation (VITA) and...
LittleBigPlanet needs no introduction, it's gained a huge fan base over the years and this is the 5th Game and...
Smart As... is one of those games that you try to ignore but end up playing all the time, yes...
SMB: BS is finally out in Europe and America, it's the same game as the one that came out over...
Spy Hunter on the PS Vita is a 3D Racing/Shooter game and those who played the 2 first PlayStation 2...
I have not forgotten about my vita, i have bought loads of games for it lately and i will do...
Like many others, I have waited and waited and waited for new Vita games and yesterday was one of the...