A Look At Tales Of Zestiria Collector’s Edition


A while back this box arrived on my doorstep, it was actually the day before the European launch and as hyped i got i still never got around to do the article about it. The reason for the delay is, as usual, no spare time and maybe most of all the redesign/new features of the blog and website, these things takes time and so far the Gallery has been way more time-consuming than i expected.

This is the box, not very exciting really and i went a bit meh really, compared to the Dragons Quest box this certainly ain’t as flashy nor a nice shelf piece. The stuff inside might be better right? well let’s pop it and have a look, shall we?


Artbook, lovely stuff. Flashy, bright and lots and lots of pages. Most (if not all) of my regular readers know how much i like these things and how upset i have been lately at various Collectors and Special /Limited editions out there for not including the basics of what is to be expected in a premium package.

I do not like to take pictures of books really, doing proper images means that i have to bend and use force to open fully. In the end, the glue in the binding might not hold up and pages will fall out or even worse the binding collapse so all pages fall out.

That said, this book is solid and most likely will hold up nicely even with wrong use and /or brute force.


Pretty cool box, proper Asian style, will definitely have it on the shelf and not tucked away in the collection box.

DSC_2486Oh, wait, Steelbook ?. Crazy styled one too, not so sure about the design and how it fits as the game cover, but hey hey i find it really cool so this is where i will keep the game disc.

So much content, other publishers need to learn from collections like this, Music is supposed to be on CD and not just a DLC code. There is even a movie included here.


Hmm, what is this then? should i open it? ok, let’s have a look.  It better not be a handkerchief!.


Oh, it is a tablecloth or something, really cool too, the material is very good and the print is unexpectedly detailed.  Ok, time to tuck it back into the plastic again as this one is a keeper.


Ok, i must admit that i opened this one up before i took the next few pictures as all the stuff in here is simply way over the top and that i realized as soon as i put my hands on this figurine box. I will try and show my enthusiasm even though i am not writing the next few comments while opening it.


This is the stuff that was inside the box, everything is in pieces! should i put them together or not? plastic figurines like these tend to be quite stiff and once put together then you won’t be able to detach them into pieces again without snapping or bending some of the connections/joints.


First figurine (of 4) pictures above, wasn’t all that hard to put together. The result, wow, look at those details, the quality is really good for such tiny items.  My camera is put to good use here with some proper close-ups making the figurine(s) look even better.


The second figurine pictured above, there is even a nice little “object” you had to attach to the parasol, this thing is definitely a part of the game but for now, i have no idea what it is.    My camera is put to good use here with some proper close-ups making the figurine(s) look even better.

DSC_2474This 3rd figurine is my favourite, really irksome to put together for me with my huge hands.  My camera is put to good use here with some proper close-ups making the figurine(s) look even better.


The fourth and last figurine is yet another awesome one, nice details and the colours fit perfectly in.  My camera is put to good use here with some proper close-ups making the figurine(s) look even better.

Here you can see them in full size, they’re standing on top of the collector’s Edition box and i can safely say that they look amazing on top of that surface/ colour/style. I really want to put these on my shelf but i am not so sure if that is such a good idea so, for now, i will put them back into the box they came with.  Luckily they fit inside the box even when they’re fully assembled.

Ok, i am running out of things to write about now but before i end i will show off a few more pictures, the 4 pictures above shows the main box, as you can see both the back of the box and the way you open the box looks good, shame about the boring front and sides…

Here i show a bit more detailed look on the figurines and CD’s, dunno if that was really needed but hey, all the attention this amazing collector box can get the better.


So here it is, all the stuff inside this small box, look at that cloth!, check out those wonderful figurines, look at that hefty artbook, hell it even got a steel box and all of this for less than the awfully boring Dragon Quest Collector box (The stuff inside it of course).

Worth my money? definitely. Will, i open it up and look inside it every now and then? , yes i will!.  Will it be worth a lot of money in 10 years time? , probably not.

Thanks for your time.

EDIT: I did a review of the next game – Tales Of Berseria – here…

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