Announcing Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

What a weird world, this has become. You wait a title for years, with no news from anyone, then something leaks in unexpected ways. It has already happened for other titles, but when a couple of days ago the following picture appeared on the net, Ghost Recon fans (myself included) went on a rampage for this upcoming game.
And so we learned that after the last military-themed Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and the recent secret agents-themed Ghost Recon: Wildlands, it is now the time of a new game with brand-new survival mechanics! Can you imagine? I actually couldn’t, so please enjoy the official launch trailer.
The best part is that the game is much closer than you may think: October 4 is the date you need to save. I have already done it and this title will be mine on day one! Stay tuned for more.
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