So much Spider-Man these days. One of my favourite characters is coming to us with a game I already talked about here.

The following video is the official Spider-Man’s gameplay trailer recently presented at the E3, and I’m linking it here just in case you missed it. It is my opinion that finally, after so many missed opportunities of the past, we are now dealing with a great title: a game where, unlike many others previous chapters, swinging from building to building is not the only fun thing of the game; a game where stealth, careful thinking and precise strategy have the right weight, together with aerobatic combat and, yes, swinging ….

The game is due in 2018. Such a long wait …. will I survive?

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2 thoughts on “Make My Day … Part 2 – Spider-Man PS4

  1. Oh, my hero!
    It is similar to the Batman Arkham series with “good sense”.
    I was still watching this video. Thank you.
    As an aside, the “Insomniac” is one of my favorite developers.
    Loved with “Fuse”.

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