The Zone of the Enders is an old series that dates back to the PS2 era, in a time in which mechas used to rule the market with Polyphony Digital’s Omega Boost, From Software’s Armored Core and the likes. Z.O.E. “universe” is set in the late 22nd century, where mankind has colonized some of the Solar System with bases set on Mars and around Jupiter. Work on outer space is done with the help of mechas called Jehuty, some of them having special military variants.

The present game is actually “nothing more” than the conversion of Z.O.E. The Second Runner, a product that came out on PS2 a long time ago (2003).

But if this is the case, why g0blin is bothering with it? you would ask. Well, there are at least 2 reasons:

  1. Mechas ALWAYS rule!
  2. The game will come out with full PS VR support, and the entire game will be playable in VR mode from the inside of your Jehuty.

Not only the game will have VR  but also 4K support, new hi-res textures and added background effects. In addition, it will sport re-mastered audio, designed for the most immersive experience possible.

Of course, other features have been added to adapt for a more modern gameplay, with options available both for experienced users or people who only want to enoy the story without having to struggle too much. The offer also includes various bonus add-ons.

But probably, the real reason why I am getting this game is that I don’t use my VR gears enough, and Tony is always bashing me for that

Use your damn VR headset, fool!

Jokes aside, Z.O.E. and Z.O.E. 2 really were good games so, in a time where mechas seem to have disappeared from this side of the world, I can only warmly welcome this game. After all, sitting inside a giant robot is one of the dreams of my life. Rock on!

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