A Look At: Pixel Ripped 1995
BACK TO THE 90's WE GO. I have written about this series before (Pixel Ripped 1989), some of you might...
BACK TO THE 90's WE GO. I have written about this series before (Pixel Ripped 1989), some of you might...
Oh hello there, Game Of The Year lists have always been a thing for people and most of the time...
Jeff Minter's back! and maybe best of all is that unlike his last game (Tempest 4000) this new one is...
This is just too good to be true. After the outstanding Battlefront, the troubled Battlefront II (littered by an unnerving controversy...
Jeff Minter has to be one of the few in the games industry that has stuck to one style through...
I am one of the few who actually liked NMS when it first came out back in August 2016 and...
PlayStation VR for me has to be one of the best things that have happened in the Gaming world, I...
Was in shops today. Just looking about as you do. Seen PSVR for sale for 150 with a camera. Though I've...
Most if not all of you have probably heard about the Oasis by now, right? The Oasis is an expansive virtual...
If there's one thing that we need more of in VR then it's the casual multiplayer games, right? Carnival Games...
Have you ever tried to play on your handheld device at school or maybe tried bringing your Vita or Switch...
The Zone of the Enders is an old series that dates back to the PS2 era, in a time in which mechas...
Time is up. I enrolled in the US Air Force Special Ops unit and elected to be a paratrooper. So...
Thursday last week was the day that we have been waiting for, yes WipEout Omega Collection finally got finally updated....