CYGNI: All Guns Blazing – The Big Budget Vertical Shoot ‘Em Up
CYGNI: The New Benchmark for Retro Shoot-'Em-Ups? The shoot-'em-up genre has seen its fair share of "redefining" titles over the...
CYGNI: The New Benchmark for Retro Shoot-'Em-Ups? The shoot-'em-up genre has seen its fair share of "redefining" titles over the...
The guys at Abyss Cooperation launched four "tiny labeled" games in a year, all huge titles back in the 80s...
It was the year 1985 and Kazuhisa Hashimoto, the coder of the NES version of Gradius (グラディウス), was testing the...
Foreword: the partnership I was talking about in my post on International Karate+ did actually pay off, so as a...
Gunbee F-99: The Kidnapping Of Lady Akiko is the full name although many might even remember it from its original...
The Zone of the Enders is an old series that dates back to the PS2 era, in a time in which mechas...
There are a few games from my youth that i somehow managed to nail perfectly even if they were next...
Yes, you did, Snake! It has been such a long time, since last time we met but, even though I...
So many games, so little time. And when you are pressed by other things, it's always a pain to put...
Castlevania. One of the most distinctive Konami sagas. One of the most inspired pieces of art which date back to...