A Look At Winter Games
Thirty-six years on, Winter Games is still one of those games that one reminds fondly: colorful, action-packed and variegated, it was capable of delivering hours and hours of fun especially when played with a group of friends. Published in 1985, this was right another Epyx’s hit after the Summer Games series.
Even today there’s nothing better way to spend a little time with friends and relatives during those long and way too caloric Christmas afternoons, providing you have enough joysticks and padded walls to avoid complaining neighbors.
Epyx’s follow-up to the fantastic Summer Games II, Winter Games hit the Commodore64 in the autumn of 1985. Made up of seven events: Hot Dog, Biathlon, Figure Skating, Ski Jump, Speed Skating, Free Skating and Bob Sled, Winter Games is even more fun than its predecessor with its clever design and addictive gameplay. As with previous Epyx releases, Winter Games is extremely polished with superb presentation, excellent sound and outstanding graphics. It was well-received across the board with PCW awarding it 10/10 while ZZAP! gave it a 94% Sizzler, describing it as “another excellent sports simulation from Epyx that you can’t just afford to miss.”
As always: many many thanks to Kim Lemon for the pictures taken from Lemon64 and to Martin Grundy for his calendars.
Ah..this really brings back a lot of fond memories! What a fantastic game!
Thank you!