Presented at the GamesCom 2018, The Sinking City is a yet another open-world detective game inspired by Mr. H. P. Lovecraft universe. In the game you’ll be in the shoes of Charles Winfield Reed, a World Word I veteran and Private Investigator determined to solve the mysteries behind the city of Oakmont, Massachusetts. Developed by Frogwares Interactives, it aims to set a new standard in the Call of Cthulhu saga.

Frogwares, which was already responsible for its award-winning work on the Sherlock Holmes series, has developed a game where you are trapped in a city afflicted by a supernatural flood. In your quest for the truth, you will need to explore an urban open world, infiltrate its secretive society and investigate cases putting your common sense to the test with the goal of saving what can be, and most importantly, yourself. [taken from].

At this stage of development, The Sinking City looks very promising and intriguing. The game is due in a few months, so for the time being please enjoy the teaser trailer.

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4 thoughts on “The Sinking City – Death May Die Preview

  1. I seen the trailer and it looks good. And its very well done and that it seems to loop, the events over and over aka majoras mask, which is no bad thing. Still it looks like my type of game. For sure

      1. I know what you mean, i bought exodus today and i really dont know when im gonna fit it in to my work schedule lol. So much to do in it. Got final battle in horizon to do, finish god of war, finish detroit, now i know whyy i stopped using the ps4, just so many good games ?

  2. damn, really good trailer indeed. I loved that last Sherlock holmes (The devils daughter) trailer too but yes the game was nothing like the trailer which is sad.

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