This blog has grown into some sort of hybrid monster by now. so far there’s been 3 different bloggers and the blog have covered everything from rants to fanboyism but i still think we can get better, we can get bigger and better and we could make it all look so much prettier but in one way i think that would break the whole point of this blog.

This website started its life as a “look mommy, i got GAMEZ!” but i have tried to redeem that over the years by gradually making the site more like a collection site but last year i decided to make it a whole lot more interesting and that was by starting a blog.

Success!, 200 posts. Celebration time
Success!, 200 posts. Celebration time

So now (blog.)Amigaguru.com has turned into a full-blown blog, with 800+ registered users and a helluva lot more hits/views a day, daily i receive emails and pm’s from collectors around the world asking me for stuff or details and other times they ask me to write something for them about something and i have said it… i wish i could do all of the requests but i am a mere mortal so if you want it done then you might have to wait a bit or jump aboard and do an article yourself if you can/want.

Stats. woohoo.
Stats. woohoo.

200 posts is certainly not a small amount when you consider the blogs as actual articles so all in all i think it’s a great number and now that the blog has been fully up for over a year… well that’s about a blog every second day or so.

What to come? , well i hope to open a Vlog soon, already got youtube recording working but i have yet to standardize the format but i think i will go for the GoPro tactic that i used with Defiance but for the future, i will record it in a different angle.

Will i get a PS4 on release? , i keep getting that question and i will simply answer it by… when i can get a few certain titles confirmed for release day then i will as i will not buy a brand new console without a game to play on it (a game i REALLY want)…

Thanks for keeping this site alive! oh and a major thanks to goblin and Orb for their continued efforts! highly appreciated!.

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