A few months ago I published an article about the upcoming horror adventure Tokyo Dark. This wonderful Kickstarter project was funded in a matter of hours and since then the entire team is working night and day to provide us with the best possible product.

While this software is at the moment aimed at PC/Mac, the developers already introduced full compatibility with console gamepads, so we all do hope to see it on a PS4/Vita in the near future.

At any rate, this post is about collectables. When I decided to support this project, I made sure to put my hands on something physical, not just on a digital delivery. It was such a blast to finally receive my physical pack straight from Japan … my “Promised Land” …!

So here we are:

an overview of the collectables…


Box and postcards, including a personal message from the developers. It is very appreciated since they sent thousands of these and they took the love and dedication to handwrite each and every one of them. Well done, Cherrymochi!

Some nice posters.

Real Japanese snacks, and stickers …


And, finally, the game main character, Detective Ito (handmade figurine). My son turned the picture into shades of grey to darken the atmosphere.


Please note that this project has some very nice followers. In addition, a few of them are extremely talented “fan artists”, so let me introduce you to the art of the awesome meteo_snow:

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8 thoughts on “Tokyo Dark – An Update.

  1. There wasn’t a PS4/Vita goal set, since the primary focus was on computers. I guess the devs didn’t expect such a success, so they went for the “basics”, just to start with.

    The funding goal was set a $40K, but they managed to raise over $225K with 5,551 backers. So let’s hope for the best.

    Closed beta access will start in early 2016 and by that time we will probably have a better idea about it.

  2. AFAIK there was never planned anything on consoles. The facebook threads do mention something regarding it but nothing about devkits etc.

    1. Hello Jonas, what you say is indeed true, and I believed I made it clear in my articles.

      The reason why I tagged them PS4/Vita is because many backers (myself included) asked and obtained a full gamepad support fron the dev team. In addition, the program was somewhat “sponsored” by the Square Enix Collective project.

      We do know it is not and endorsment, but I keep hoping…. LOL!

      Take care

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