A New Beginning – Spider-Man VR


Despite a troubled beginning PlayStation VR is here to stay. Of this I am sure, yet real products are still rather difficult to find and a true killer application, Resident Evil 7 aside, is probably not around the corner. Nonetheless, VR software keeps coming, even though they often are nothing more than a quick experience. Spider-Man Homecoming, for example, is just that, a 10-minute-experience meant to hype you up while you are waiting for the movie to come out.

So what is going on over here? – you may ask. Well, you start on a rooftop just to find out the new outfit that Tony Stark has prepared for you…

.. then you grab the mask (nicely done, I must say) and you quickly don it…

… and here you are … now I am a true superhero with superpowers!

The “game” is played with 2 Move controllers, so if you have them you can pretend to have web shooters and start grabbing and/or destroying things…

The entire experience is pretty much over, since the very minute in which you get acquainted with the controls an alien exoskeleton will come your way, destroy a few things and …

… well, not much more. REALLY! …. Game over…

I really hoped to get the chance to spin some webs downtown New York, but sadly this is not the case here. The good thing is that this software is free, the bad thing is that this is probably another missed opportunity. Sorry about that. In any case, the movie is out tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!

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