480 Euro Today,How Much Next Year? – Godfather 2 The Blackhand Edition
The PS3 is getting old now, it belongs to the last generation of consoles, a console that has sold 70+...
The PS3 is getting old now, it belongs to the last generation of consoles, a console that has sold 70+...
It's time to die again. Over the last 5 years or so we have been tormented by this game series...
I am not sure why this was new to me back in 2002, i used to follow the Amiga 100%...
I wrote about Swamp Defense 2 a few weeks ago and it is not all that much more to write...
This is the second part of the very popular post from yesterday, in this post i will write about 3...
The Amiga scene ain't what it used to be for sure, but there is a lot of important people and...
Retro gaming, a gaming scene that just keeps going and it is going so good that the prices on old...
First generation games on new hardware can be quite bad compared to games released later on in the cycle, but...
Thanks to various responses on Facebook I have decided to show my Psygnosis games collection. Psygnosis was one of the...
Games, games ain't art. Games can't tell a story!. Statements like these ain't new in the gaming industry, it will...
Being at the right place at the right time ain't something i can brag often about really, but last week...
A few days ago after Quartet was previewed on this very site the developer Entwickler-x sent me an email about...
This is another prime example of how unfair the PSN Shop can be, Jimmie Johnson's Anything With An Engine (from...
Barndommens TV-spill Why is it always so fun to find Retro stuff in "normal" shops?, I have always had something...