Trap Runner Out Now – With Big Box Version TBA
So, what exactly is Trap Runner? It’s a jump-and-run platformer with 50fps scrolling, multiple layers of parallax, and gameplay mechanics...
Collectibles / Collectables section is about things that might be of value… if not now, maybe in 20 years from now.
So, what exactly is Trap Runner? It’s a jump-and-run platformer with 50fps scrolling, multiple layers of parallax, and gameplay mechanics...
Stephen (Steve/Steven) Crow is most likely a name some of you have heard a few times in the past and...
I've always been a videogame lover, possibly even before fully understanding what a computer really was. Back in those days...
The good thing about Facebook and Social media groups is that you sometimes meet people that want to be creative...
It was supposed to happen, one day or the other, and sadly even the long-time-running Yakuza saga has come to...
Worthy was first revealed back in 2017 and it didn't take long before the hype went through the roof due...
After mentioning a few time this game on various articles on this blog, I finally took the time to review the...
A few weeks ago the World went on a rampage when Sony announced the latest of its limited editions PS4...
FOREWORD A few years ago I started to follow this blog as a reader. At that time I had already...
Persona 5 has been in my backlog now since the day it launched back in early 2017, Pictures was done...
Many moons ago I finally decided to travel to Japan, definitely a "promised land" for anime, manga and video games...
Ryu Ga Gotoku .... also known in the western part of the world as Yakuza... A franchise that, since 2006, is...
Five years after the release of the original chapter (nearly 6 and a half, if you consider the original Japanese...
The One Piece franchise has always been a bit of a curiosity of mine, they have always ended up on...